Hunting and Fishing Academy’s goal is to recruit, reactivate, and retain hunters and anglers in Tennessee, ensuring the tradition continues.

Hunting and Fishing Academy’s goal is to recruit, reactivate, and retain hunters and anglers in Tennessee, ensuring the tradition continues.
In 2017, Tennessee Wildlife Federation began its first wetland restoration project—a 12 acre site in the Cane Creek watershed in Putnam County. As of 2024, the site has undergone an amazing transformation and is now permanently protected under a conservation easement.
As of June 2023, the Federation has enhanced and protected more than 15,000 acres of land across the state and planted more than 500,000 trees.
There were almost 3,000 individual entries at the 2023 Tennessee Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) State Championships.
Casting a fly is not difficult if you let the rod and line do the work. It’s an art that requires skills that can be learned by all.
This year, the Federation celebrated 17 individuals and companies from across the state who are conserving our wildlife and wild places.
The Volunteer State offers a wide variety of outdoor pursuits. From hunting to hiking, you’ll be sure to find an outdoor activity in this diverse state.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation completed its 12th wetland restoration project in March on 50 acres in the floodplain of the Buffalo River, bringing the total wetlands restored to more than 1,000 acres.
A milestone for the program was met this deer season with historic numbers from generous hunters who donated—an all-time high—3,116 deer.
A simple question that all turkey hunters ask themselves. Depending on the outcome of the hunt, we hunters may mull over the “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s” with turkey decoys for days after the hunt.
Selling out in under four minutes, the competition is one of the most successful events in the program’s 22-year history.