Chronic Wasting Disease Secures Needed Support; Expected Passage for CWD Management Act

Congress is expected to pass the CWD Research and Management Act to combat CWD, a contagious and fatal disease affecting deer and elk.

New Bill Would Gut Conservation Funding

The 1937 Pittman-Robertson (PR) Wildlife Restoration and the 1952 Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sport Fish Restoration Acts provide for a “user pays” American System of Conservation Funding.

Federation Clinches A Win for Public Lands

Federation Clinches A Win for Public Lands

The Federation came together with other NGOs and formed a coalition. Within days of forming the coalition, more than 1,200 individuals had emailed their legislators opposing bills that threatened public land.

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The Little Brown Bat with Big Problems

The Little Brown Bat with Big Problems

Populations of the little brown bat in Tennessee have taken such a hit in the last few decades that the little brown bat has been designated as a species of greatest conservation need. Recovering America’s Wildlife Act can help these bats and other endangered species.

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Public Lands Duck Hunting Access Increases

Public Lands Duck Hunting Access Increases

Statewide polling showed a large majority of waterfowl hunters were unsatisfied with the methods for selecting who could use a given duck blind on public land. Always in favor of more and equitable...

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