Secured $25M to Fight Invasive Carp

Feb 19, 2020

Two workers wrangle a river overrun with leaping asian carp
Invasive carp are one of the largest threats facing Tennessee’s waters, fisheries, recreation, and local economies. This winter, efforts by Tennessee Wildlife Federation and its supporters paid off big!
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A $25 million appropriation to fight invasive carp was passed in Congress and signed by the president as part of the federal budget for fiscal year 2020.

To make this happen, the Federation brought together influential people and organizations from across the region. We then worked hand-in-hand with lawmakers to increase the old appropriation and make it available to southeastern states, including Tennessee.

The funding will be allocated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with additional funds supporting the work of the U.S. Geological Survey. Funds will go into barriers that limit the fish’s movement, contract fishing and commercial fishing incentives, and research for more ways to control Asian carp.

Featured photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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