Protecting Land & Habitat

From the wetlands in the west to the mountaintops in the east, Tennessee is filled with beautiful, diverse habitats. Because approximately 90 percent of Tennessee land is privately owned, managing land well and connecting habitat is essential for native wildlife populations. Tennessee Wildlife Federation advocates for better stewardship of our forests, grasslands, streams, rivers, and wetlands—and works with public agencies and private landowners to achieve our goals.

Grassland field with mountain in background

Restoring North America’s Most Imperiled Ecosystem

It is estimated that Tennessee was once home to nearly 7 million acres of grasslands. From 2008 through 2016, Tennessee lost an average of 27,359 acres of grassland each year. Restoring this critical habitat is key for the success of native wildlife and plants.

Stop Litter, Preserve the Land We Love

Tennessee has a pollution problem. Litter affects wildlife, agriculture, recreation, and much more—all of which lead to negative impacts on Tennessee’s economy, health, and wild places.

A wet raccoon finds a red plastic cup in the wilderness

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More Land & Habitat Concerns

Viewed from the front, an eastern river cooter turtle tucked inside its shell

Unsafe Roadways for Wildlife

Roads connect us, but they are often impossible and deadly barriers to wildlife. Creating tunnels, bridges, and other wildlife-friendly infrastructure to increase habitat connectivity and reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions is essential to improve the safety of wildlife and people traveling through these areas.

Growing Need for Long-Term Funding

The hard-earned conservation successes from the past century are at risk. In the early 1900s, conservationists ignited a movement to find management and funding solutions for our land, wildlife, forests, and water. The problems of today are more complex but share the same foundations. This means it is time to come together again to address the growing need for long-term conservation funding.

Two volunteers in camo help clear fallen limbs
Viewed from the front, an eastern river cooter turtle tucked inside its shell

Inadequate Water Resource Management

Regional growth is good for the economy, but if not done responsibly it will have detrimental impacts on the lands, water, and wildlife that draw many people to Tennessee. The health and abundance of Tennessee’s waterways needs time and resources to plan and monitor regularly.

Keep Public Land in Public Hands

Approximately 10 percent—2.4 million acres—of Tennessee land is public land, yet public land generates $30 billion for Tennessee’s economy every year.

Walking in the forest along a trail

Learn more

Public Lands Duck Hunting Access Increases

Public Lands Duck Hunting Access Increases

Statewide polling showed a large majority of waterfowl hunters were unsatisfied with the methods for selecting who could use a given duck blind on public land. Always in favor of more and equitable...

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Collaborate Our Way to No Litter

Collaborate Our Way to No Litter

Opinion article by Michael Butler, CEO of Tennessee Wildlife Federation, as it appeared in the Murfreesboro Post. Here’s the least controversial statement you’ll read today: We need to solve...

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Make Your gift for tennessee's wildlife and great outdoors.

Tennessee's wildlife, water, and wild places are under more pressure than any time in decades. Conservationists like you make all the difference.