In the 2024 Tennessee General Assembly, the Federation tracked 150+ state bills related to wetlands, outdoor recreation, and more.

In the 2024 Tennessee General Assembly, the Federation tracked 150+ state bills related to wetlands, outdoor recreation, and more.
On July 27, Tennessee Wildlife Federation lost its first executive director and longtime friend, Anthony “Tony” Campbell.
The 1937 Pittman-Robertson (PR) Wildlife Restoration and the 1952 Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sport Fish Restoration Acts provide for a “user pays” American System of Conservation Funding.
Recognizing that resilient partnerships are the key to success, discussions centered on ways to keep partners energized and momentum moving forward as we collaborate on current and future water resource challenges facing Tennessee.
The Duck River is home to more than 50 species of freshwater mussels and 150 species of fish. This settlement maintains a water withdrawal limitation on the Duck River.
The 112th Tennessee General Assembly reconvened on January 11, 2022. With the deadline for filing new bills on February 3, the Federation is tracking and prioritizing more than fifty pieces of legislation.
Governor Bill Lee and iconic sportsman, Bill Dance announced a new program in partnership with Tennessee Department of Tourist Development (TDTD), Tennessee State Parks and Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) to improve infrastructure at select lakes and increase angler visitation statewide.
Football and the national effort to stop invasive carp have a lot in common.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation needs you to support legislation that will safeguard and restore the health of the Mississippi River so that our wildlife and our communities have safe, clean water.
On September 16, expert panelists organized by the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) presented to members of the General Assembly to help inform them about the...
Cordell Hull Lake, on the Cumberland River just northeast of Carthage, features a wide variety of recreational opportunities. The dam’s tailwater is considered one of the top fisheries in the nation...
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