In the 2024 Tennessee General Assembly, the Federation tracked 150+ state bills related to wetlands, outdoor recreation, and more.

In the 2024 Tennessee General Assembly, the Federation tracked 150+ state bills related to wetlands, outdoor recreation, and more.
During the 2024 legislative session, the Federation was instrumental on several conservation-related bills, including three major wins.
A simple question that all turkey hunters ask themselves. Depending on the outcome of the hunt, we hunters may mull over the “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s” with turkey decoys for days after the hunt.
Clearer, more consistent clean water protections for streams, fisheries, and wetlands that provide habitat and protect communities from storms are at stake.
Share your love for the outdoors with those you love.
There are numerous calls one can master such as the feed call and the lonesome hen. However, experienced hunters understand that less is more.
As one of the largest organizations in Tennessee dedicated to the conservation of the state’s wildlife and natural resources, Tennessee Wildlife Federation has seen the impact a dedicated outdoor journalist can have on conservation.
Congress is expected to pass the CWD Research and Management Act to combat CWD, a contagious and fatal disease affecting deer and elk.
Through the Federation’s various educational opportunities from Hunting and Fishing Academy, we have found that access to land is one of the biggest concerns for new hunters.
If you have ever been hunting, you know what a special connection you feel with nature. But, if not, the Federation is here to take you under our wing.
It’s been an eventful 20 years for Michael, and he is nowhere near done with his work in conservation.
Help lead Tennessee's wildlife and habitat conservation movement by making your voice heard.