Tennessee Frogs are Ready for Spring

Jan 14, 2022

Spring peeper (a species of frog) with vocal sac inflated.

Though much cold weather looms ahead, the winter solstice has passed and days are getting longer. And when those occasional warm January days arrive, a couple of Tennessee frog species are poised to take advantage of the opportunity to begin calling and mating.

Tennessee’s earliest breeder, the upland chorus frog, sounds like someone running fingernails over the tooth of a comb. Listen for them on evenings when the temperatures are comfortably above freezing. Not far behind are spring peepers, a much-loved species that makes a high-pitched peep peep peep call that is often thought of as a harbinger of winter’s end.

Both of these frogs occur statewide in wet areas near woodlands. Although their populations remain healthy, their numbers have decreased as habitat is lost to development.

At the Federation, we have been working hard to conserve our wetlands and woodlands. As of now, we have seven miles of stream restoration and 1,400 acres of wetland restoration projects in the works or already completed as well as 5,000 acres of forest restoration projects initiated statewide. Learn more about our Habitat Restoration and Conservation program.

Featured photo by Jenna Crovo

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