Tennesseans Create NWF Certified Wildlife Habitats

Apr 6, 2018

Tennessee Wildlife Federation board member Anker Browder presenting Knoxville Mayor Rogero and city officials with NWF’s Community Wildlife Habitat certification.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation board member Anker Browder presented Knoxville Mayor Rogero and city officials with NWF’s Community Wildlife Habitat certification.

First Community Wildlife Habitat in TN

This fall, Tennessee Wildlife Federation board member Anker Browder presented the City of Knoxville with the National Wildlife Federation’s Community Wildlife Habitat designation. The city is the first in Tennessee to receive this certification.

To achieve a city-level certification, Knoxville had to first certify more than 300 sites that provide four basic elements necessary for wildlife to survive: food, water, cover, and a place to raise young. Sites may include homes, schools, and other common areas.

“As a Knoxville resident, I am proud of the vision and dedication shown by our mayor, our city council, and our citizens to improving this city for its people and the wildlife around it,” Anker said. “We will be a more vibrant city for it.”

>>LEARN MORE: Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat

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