Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Corporate Council is a group of businesses and organizations across the state whose...
Reviving Tennessee: Savage Gulf State Natural Area
As part of a multi-state grant in 2018, Tennessee Wildlife Federation facilitated the restoration of more than 3,000 acres of shortleaf pine habitat within Savage Gulf State Natural Area
Proposed Legislation Could Keep This Warbler in Song
Golden-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) are slim, silver-gray birds with patches of bright gold on their head and wings. Hence the name “golden-winged.” Lack of funding is threatening the...
Blackberry Farm Executive Joins Tennessee Wildlife Federation Advisory Board
Tennessee Wildlife Federation, one of the largest and oldest nonprofits dedicated to conserving the state’s wildlife and natural resources, welcomes the addition of Tyler Congleton to its advisory...
Tennessee General Assembly Session Begins 2022
The 112th Tennessee General Assembly reconvened on January 11, 2022. With the deadline for filing new bills on February 3, the Federation is tracking and prioritizing more than fifty pieces of legislation.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation Now Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations
Conservation x Crypto: Tennessee Wildlife Federation, one of the largest and oldest nonprofits dedicated to conserving the state’s wildlife and natural resources, is now accepting...
The Little Brown Bat with Big Problems
Populations of the little brown bat in Tennessee have taken such a hit in the last few decades that the little brown bat has been designated as a species of greatest conservation need. Recovering America’s Wildlife Act can help these bats and other endangered species.
Swimming for Survival: Meet the Endangered Minnow Found Only in a Few Tennessee Streams
Laurel dace (Chrosomus saylori) have historically been known to be found in a limited number of streams on the Cumberland Plateau. This makes it incredibly rare and unique to Tennessee.
New Bill Aims to Transfer WMA Away From State
Public wildlife management areas (WMAs) managed by the state agency are a valuable asset to Tennesseans and Tennessee’s rural economies, and Yanahli is one of the state’s most popular. Public lands...
Tennessee Shows Up in Strong Support For CWD Research and Management Act
On December 8, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the CWD Research and Management Act (H.R. 5608). This act will support management efforts and research to combat chronic wasting disease...
Tennessee Frogs are Ready for Spring
Though much cold weather looms ahead, the winter solstice has passed and days are getting longer. And when those occasional warm January days arrive, a couple of Tennessee frog species are poised to take advantage of the opportunity to begin calling and mating.