Hunters Rally to Aid Storm-Stricken Communities

When Hurricane Helene damaged East Tennessee communities, Tennesseans rallied to help those in need—including local deer hunters.

Tennessee’s Unique River Systems

Tennessee’s Unique River Systems

Conserving all of Tennessee’s water resources, no matter how large, is important for managing the health of these major waterway ecosystems and maintaining the unique qualities of Tennessee’s abundant freshwater resources.

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Habitats We Restore

Tennessee Wildlife Federation works with private landowners and public agencies to conserve and restore the four major habitat types in Tennessee: forests, grasslands, rivers, and wetlands.

The Little Brown Bat with Big Problems

The Little Brown Bat with Big Problems

Populations of the little brown bat in Tennessee have taken such a hit in the last few decades that the little brown bat has been designated as a species of greatest conservation need. Recovering America’s Wildlife Act can help these bats and other endangered species.

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