Gaining Support for America’s Conservation Act

Mar 23, 2020

Fawn standing among bright green shrubbery

The bi-partisan America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act contains multiple hunting, fishing, and conservation priorities. In Tennessee, the act would establish a CWD task force, reauthorize the North American Wetlands Conservation Act until 2025, encourage partnerships among public agencies and private groups to promote fish conservation, and much more.

The act unanimously passed the U.S. Senate in January. But support is still needed in the House.

To promote passage in the House, the Federation traveled to D.C. to meet with key U.S. congressional staffers. We outlined the huge benefits the act would have for Tennessee’s fish, wildlife, and outdoorsmen.

Efforts are still underway to promote passage in the House. We thank Congressman Kustoff for his sponsorship of this legislation. Now, we need the support of the rest of our House Representatives.

Featured photo by Cal Calloway

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