Grasslands are a critical habitat for wildlife! They were once widespread in Tennessee, but more than 90% of those grasslands are now gone.

Grasslands are a critical habitat for wildlife! They were once widespread in Tennessee, but more than 90% of those grasslands are now gone.
Tennessee is known as the most biologically diverse inland state in the country. Part of what...
Tennessee Wildlife Federation completed its 12th wetland restoration project in March on 50 acres in the floodplain of the Buffalo River, bringing the total wetlands restored to more than 1,000 acres.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation has received a significant multi-year grant to restore forest and grassland habitats in Tennessee.
Restoration is key to ensuring this ecologically and economically significant habitat is not lost.
The Federation came together with other NGOs and formed a coalition. Within days of forming the coalition, more than 1,200 individuals had emailed their legislators opposing bills that threatened public land.
Though much cold weather looms ahead, the winter solstice has passed and days are getting longer. And when those occasional warm January days arrive, a couple of Tennessee frog species are poised to take advantage of the opportunity to begin calling and mating.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation is partnering with Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society (RGS & AWS) and others to enhance more than 6,800 acres of wildlife habitat in Tennessee and...
As a two-term governor turned U.S. Senator, Alexander found Tennessee Wildlife Federation to be a critical part of advancing the conservation of our natural world.
For more than a half-century, Tennessee Wildlife Federation has been hosting the Conservation Achievement Awards to recognize those making outstanding contributions to Tennessee’s wildlife and natural resources. Past winners have included senators, international companies, conservation professionals, and lifelong volunteers from every corner of the state.
The burns will help restore wildlife habitat and enhance shortleaf pine ecosystems across the Cumberland Plateau, a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts year round.
Help lead Tennessee's wildlife and habitat conservation movement by making your voice heard.