The 1937 Pittman-Robertson (PR) Wildlife Restoration and the 1952 Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sport Fish Restoration Acts provide for a “user pays” American System of Conservation Funding.

The 1937 Pittman-Robertson (PR) Wildlife Restoration and the 1952 Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sport Fish Restoration Acts provide for a “user pays” American System of Conservation Funding.
The Duck River is home to more than 50 species of freshwater mussels and 150 species of fish. This settlement maintains a water withdrawal limitation on the Duck River.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is here and is a major threat to Tennessee’s deer and elk populations, as well as the conservation funding they generate for all wildlife. It has a negative impact on...
Why is a deer disease bad news for all wildlife? Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in Tennessee. The always fatal disease has been slowly marching across the U.S., infecting cervids such...
The Race for Governor is in its final stretch. And Tennessee Wildlife Federation is bringing conservation to the conversation. Tennessee’s wildlife and natural resources directly impact every...
The Race for Governor is in its final stretch. And Tennessee Wildlife Federation is bringing conservation to the conversation. Tennessee’s wildlife and natural resources directly impact every...
By following game laws and supporting Tennessee Wildlife Federation, you are the key to keeping Tennessee CWD free. Significant Progress Made Despite chronic wasting disease recently being found in...
Tennessee Wildlife Federation closely monitors local, state, and federal legislation, and advocates for sound conservation and wildlife management policies. As such, the Federation works hard to...
Letter to the editor by Terry Lewis, Tennessee Wildlife Federation board of directors member, as it appeared in The LaFollette Press on September 7, 2017. There’s a growing idea in this country that...
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