3 Ways to Help Tennesseans in Fall 2023

Sep 29, 2023

A buck standing at the top of a hill, with the orange leaves of a large tree behind it.
Fall has finally arrived, and with it come traditions and experiences many of us look forward to each year—cooler weather, leaves changing colors, holiday gatherings, even a spirit of giving for some. 

And let’s not forget about deer season. 

Deer hunting is a tradition that has been bringing families, sportsmen and women, and communities together for hundreds of years. For many, opening day of deer season is better than Christmas. 

Did you know you can give back to Tennesseans in need just by taking part in this age-old tradition? Here are three easy ways to help your neighbors in need during this deer season.

Donate Deer

Hunters for the Hungry, a program of Tennessee Wildlife Federation, works with certified wild game processors and hunger relief organizations to provide lean protein to Tennesseans in need. You can donate your harvest through one of our participating processors at a reduced processing cost. 

And if you aren’t able to give your entire harvest, consider donating a few pounds or packs. These pound or pack donations add up to 30% of the venison donated to Hunters for the Hungry!

Find a participating processor>>

Donate Money

This program is sustained by donations that cover part of the processing fees, allowing hunters to donate their deer at a reduced cost. Our goal is to never turn a donated deer away. Your donations ensure we won’t have to. 

Donate to Hunters for the Hungry>>

Spread the Word

The more people who know about Hunters for the Hungry, the more communities we can reach through the program. Hunters for the Hungry relies on donations and community partnerships to make a difference for people in need across Tennessee.

If you know someone who hunts, encourage them to donate a portion of their harvest to a participating processor. Want to help but don’t know anyone who hunts? Every donation, no matter how small, allows Hunters for the Hungry to provide more servings of venison protein to Tennesseans in need. 

Learn more about Hunters for the Hungry and get involved>>

Featured photo by Jim Williams

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With the help of outdoorsmen and women and other community supporters, Hunters for the Hungry will continue to make lasting impacts on local food banks and the Tennesseans they serve.

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