Hunters Rally to Aid Storm-Stricken Communities

When Hurricane Helene damaged East Tennessee communities, Tennesseans rallied to help those in need—including local deer hunters.

2024 Ironman Competition Sets Strong Season Start

The weekend offered perfect conditions for 212 of the program’s top athletes representing 39 different teams to demonstrate their skills for the season ahead.

Chronic Wasting Disease is Here

Chronic Wasting Disease is Here

Why is a deer disease bad news for all wildlife? Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in Tennessee. The always fatal disease has been slowly marching across the U.S., infecting cervids such...

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Needs Mount for Nongame Species

Needs Mount for Nongame Species

The gray bat is just one of many species of wildlife you can help by giving to conservation and by asking Tennessee congressmen to support the Recovering America's Wildlife Act. Dedicated Funding is...

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