Hunters for the Hungry Provides 569,000 Servings of Protein to Neighbors in Need

May 6, 2021

Hunters for the Hungry gets venison to hungry Tennesseans
For more than two decades, Hunters for the Hungry has fed Tennesseans in need by providing hunger relief organizations with venison donated by generous deer hunters.

This season, Tennessee deer hunters and our supporters answered the call—and then some!

142,450 pounds of donated venison

A total of 142,450 pounds of venison was donated, providing Tennessee’s hungriest with more than 563,000 servings of healthy protein.

These numbers represent a near-record year, which is particularly impressive considering the challenges of the year.

“COVID created meat shortages in grocery stores, meaning many deer hunters needed to keep more of their harvest. At the same time, some processors switched to handling livestock as small farms ramped up production,” said Matt Simcox, Hunters for the Hungry manager.

“Our generous hunters and processors worked double time to overcome these hurdles to make sure their fellow Tennesseans were fed, including some who were facing food insecurity for the first time during the pandemic.”

Matt Simcox, Hunters for the Hungry Manager

Since 1998, the program has collected and shared more than 8.2 million servings of venison to those in need.

Past food recipient gives back during a challenging year

After receiving venison in 2019, Jason Sosbe wanted to give back to the program that helped his family through hard times. This deer season, Jason donated one of his harvests back to the program—helping feed others in his community.

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