2024 At A Glance

Annual Reports & Financials

Tennessee Wildlife Federation is honored by the trust and faith of our supporters. We don’t take any gift for granted and are committed to transparency in both our work and our financial reporting.

Annual Reports





IRS Tax Forms 990





Proud to have been awarded these accreditations

Candid. Platinum Transparency 2024
Center for Nonprofit Management
Charity Navigator 4 Star
Reviewed by the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Latest News

Types of Rivers in Tennessee

Types of Rivers in Tennessee

Tennessee is known as the most biologically diverse inland state in the country. Part of what makes it so diverse is the many types of habitats, ecosystems, and species found throughout the state....

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Parker Hired as Director of Development

Parker Hired as Director of Development

Tennessee Wildlife Federation is excited to welcome Darren Parker as its Director of Development. Darren brings two decades of experience in fundraising and development and has a keen eye for donor engagement.

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Types of Wetlands in Tennessee

Types of Wetlands in Tennessee

A wetland is an area of land that is covered by water for part or all of the year. Specifically, wetlands are the result of the interaction between three main components: hydrology, biology and soils.

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Make Your gift for tennessee's wildlife and great outdoors.

Tennessee's wildlife, water, and wild places are under more pressure than any time in decades. Conservationists like you make all the difference.