Tennessee Scholastic Clay Target Program

2024 State Championships

June 17–22 at Nashville Gun Club





Your responses will help us improve the Tennessee SCTP State Championships in the future and our overall Tennessee SCTP program.

Meet the Team

Ashley Tone headshot
Ashley Tone
Tennessee SCTP Manager


JW Worthen headshot


JW Worthen headshot
Lauren Barnes
Program Coordinator


Thank you to our sponsors!

Grizzly Ears logo
Allegiant Wealth Partners
Allegiant Wealth Partners
Guns Unlimited Omaha
Hunt Brothers Pizza
TriStar Health
Gamaliel Shooting Supply

Schedule of Events

Monday, June 17
Sporting Clays

10:00 AM
1:00 PM
4:00 PM


11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM

Tuesday, June 18
Sporting Clays

9:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM


9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM

Super Sporting

11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Wednesday, June 19

9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Super Sporting

9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Doubles Skeet

9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
4:30 PM

  • Coach and Parent Fun Shoot
  • Last Competitor Standing
  • Shoot-Offs for Skeet and Sporting Clays
  • Awards for Skeet, Sporting Clays, Doubles Skeet, Super Sporting, HOA Combined Skeet, and HOA Combined Sporting
Thursday, June 20

9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM

  • Coach and Parent Fun Shoot
Friday, June 21

8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM

 College Recruiting Day

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

  • Coach and Parent Fun Shoot
Saturday, June 22
Doubles Trap

8:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:45 AM
10:30 AM
11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Extended Yard-Line Trap

1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM


  • Coach and Parent Fun Shoot
  • Last Competitor Standing
  • Shoot-Offs for Trap, HOA, and HAA
  • Awards for Trap, Doubles Trap, Extended Yard-Line Trap, HOA Combined Trap, HOA, and HAA
Stay up to date!

Text STATE24

to (615) 909-5650

All important announcements including shoot-offs and weather delays will be communicated via text alert. We highly recommend everyone attending the State Championships sign up!

Finding Scores


Type in your team name and click search. Click shoots and look for Tennessee SCTP 2024 State Championships

Nashville Gun Club Rules

Our partners at Nashville Gun Club would like to remind members of Tennessee SCTP of a few rules for the week:

  • Driving a golf cart/UTV without a valid Driver’s License is prohibited.
  • Abide by posted speed limits of 13 MPH.
  • Cars, trucks, and SUVs are not allowed on the Sporting Clays courses.
  • Abide by posted no-parking zones and trailer parking zones.
  • Do not climb on the rocks near the river bank, or throw rocks.
  • Pick up and properly dispose of all trash on your field after your squad is done shooting, and pick up all empty hulls on your last Sporting Clays station.

For a complete list of Nashville Gun Club’s Safety Rules, click here.


Visit tnwf.org/shootoffs to find a list of the shoot-offs.

Shoot-Off Procedures
General Rules

For any team or squad shoot-offs, all athletes must be present at the time of shoot-offs to participate. No substitutions for any athletes that have left will be permitted.

At the State Championship level and above, a full competitive squad/team is required to be eligible for team/squad awards. A full competitive squad/team in Skeet and Sporting Clays events are 3 athletes with the same classification, and a full competitive squad/team in Trap events are 5 athletes with the same classification.

Shoot-offs will be conducted for Main Events only. This includes American Trap Singles, American Skeet, Sporting Clays, and High Over All/High All Around. Alternate tiebreaker methods will be used for any side events including Skeet Doubles, Super Sporting, Doubles Trap, Extended Yard-Line Trap, or any other extra events offered. Alternate tiebreaker methods may include, reverse run, front run or long run. All tiebreaker procedures for a specific event will be posted and communicated to teams prior to the event. Event Management reserves the right to alter procedures based on the number of athletes/teams and the time of day. Front (from target one to the first lost target) and back (from the last lost target to the end) runs may be used in cases of inclement weather, insufficient light, or other circumstances that make shoot-offs impractical.

Sporting Clays

Sporting Clays Shoot-Off Procedures for Individuals 

Shoot-offs will be conducted on the sporting clays course (or a five-stand field as light and time dictates). Shoot-offs for a specific category or division award will be shot on the same station for total score. Event management will predetermine which stations will be used for shoot-offs and will announce the stations at the beginning of the shoot-off. Shoot-offs will begin on one station and continue to subsequent stations until all necessary ties are broken. Event management reserves the right to choose stations not used in the main event for shoot-off stations.

All target presentations will be true pairs. Shoot-off will be from one station with each athlete shooting at two true pair (four targets per athlete) for a total score. Shoot order will be determined by the station in which the individual began the main event with the lower number going first.

The total number of targets broken by the individual will be used to determine the winner. If there are tie scores between individuals, those athletes with the highest scores will continue to the next station and repeat the process until one individual is declared the winner.

Sporting Clays Shoot-Off Procedures for Teams 

Shoot-offs will be conducted on the sporting clays course. Shoot-offs for a specific category or division award will be shot on the same station for total score. Event management will predetermine which stations will be used for shoot-offs and will announce the stations at the beginning of the shoot-off. Shoot-offs will begin on one station and continue to subsequent stations until all necessary ties are broken. Event management reserves the right to choose stations not used in the main event for shoot-off stations.

All team members will participate in the shoot-off round(s). Order will be determined at random. The Tennessee SCTP Manager reserves the right to use any random method to determine the order.

The team members will consist of the top three (3) athletes from the team. Positions will be set by score. If there are multiple athletes with the same score, then the score from a randomly selected station from the main event will be used to determine the specific athlete(s). Order for the teams will be determined by when the team shot. In the event that the teams shot at the same time, order will be determined by the first station shot by the team in the main event.

All target presentations will be true pairs. Shoot-offs will be from one station with each athlete shooting at two true pair (four targets per athlete) for a team total score. All team members must shoot from the same cage or stand. The total number of targets broken by the team will be used to determine the winner. If there are tie scores between or among teams, those teams with the highest scores will continue to the next station and repeat the process until one team is declared the winner.

Event Management reserves the right to use scores from randomly selected stations from the main event to break ties in cases of inclement weather, insufficient light, or other circumstances that make shoot-offs impractical.


Skeet Shoot-Off Procedures for Individuals 

Individuals in a shoot-off for a specific category or division award will shoot on the same field. Shooting order will be determined at random. The Tennessee SCTP Manager reserves the right to choose any random method to determine the shooting order.

Shoot-offs shall consist of shooting doubles from stations 3 (high-low), 4 (high-low), and 5 (low-high) in that order (six targets per athlete), for total score. The total number of targets broken by the individual will be used to determine the winner. If there are tie scores between individuals, the tied individuals continue on to the next round.

If two or more individuals are tied after the first round, those individuals will continue shooting doubles in a “sudden death” format per station in the following rotation: from station 3 (high-low), station 4 (high-low), station 5 (low-high), station 4 (low-high), station 3 (high-low), station 4 (high-low) until one individual is declared the winner.

Skeet Shoot-Off Procedures for Teams 

Teams in the shoot-offs for a specific category or division award will shoot on the same field. All team members will participate in the shoot-off round(s). Shooting order will be determined at random. The Tennessee SCTP Manager reserves the right to choose any random method to determine shooting order. Team members shoot all shoot-off targets in the same order as they did in the main event.

For team shoot-offs, the team members will be the top three athletes from the team. Positions will be set by score with the highest scorer shooting first. If there are multiple athletes with the same score, then a countback will be used to determine the specific athlete(s). The athletes with the highest score in the last competition round of 25 will be selected. The order for the teams will be determined by when the team shot. In the event that the teams shot at the same time, the order will be determined by the field number shot by the team in the main event.

Shoot-offs shall consist of shooting doubles from stations 3 (high-low), 4 (high-low), and 5 (low-high), in that order (six targets per athlete), for total score. The total number of targets broken by the team will be used to determine the winner. If there are tie scores among teams, the tied teams continue on to the next round.

If two or more teams are tied after the first round, those teams will continue in a “sudden death” format per station in the following rotation: from station 3 (high-low), station 4 (high-low), station 5 (low-high), station 4 (low-high), station 3 (high-low), station 4 (high-low) until one team is declared the winner.

Event Management reserves the right to use front (from target one to the first lost target) and back (from the last lost target to the end) runs in cases of inclement weather, insufficient light, or other circumstances that make shoot-offs impractical.


Trap Shoot-Off Procedures for Individuals 

All shoot-offs for a specific category or division award will be conducted from the 16-yard line in a 10-target round, unless specified by shoot management. All individuals will shoot at the same time. Starting post assignments will be determined at random and assigned to the following posts:

  • If 2 athletes – post numbers 2 and 4.
  • If 3 athletes – post numbers 2, 3, and 4.
  • If 4 athletes – post numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • If 5 athletes – post numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • If more than five athletes are involved in the tie, they shall be divided as equally as possible into two or more squads as directed by the management.

The total number of targets broken by the individual during the round of 10 (2 targets per post) will be used to determine the winner. If two or more individuals tie, the tied individuals continue on to the next round.

Round two – Two or more individuals still in the running from round one move back to the 22-yard line and continue the same shoot-off process. If there are tie scores between or among individuals, the tied athletes continue on to round three.

Round three – Two or more individuals still in the running move to the 25-yard line and follow the shoot-off procedures used in the preceding two rounds. If there are tie scores between or among individuals, the tied athletes continue on to round four.

Round four – Two or more individuals still in the running move to the 27-yard line and follow the shoot-off procedures used in the preceding two rounds. The next and all required subsequent rounds will be shot from the 27-yard line.

Trap Shoot-Off Procedures for Teams 

All shoot-offs for a specific category or division award will be conducted from the 16-yard line in a 10-target round, unless specified by shoot management. All squads or teams will shoot at the same time. Field assignments will be determined at random. The Tennessee SCTP Manager reserves the right to choose any random method to assign a field. Squad members shoot all shoot-off targets from the same post as they did in the main event.

For team shoot-offs, the team members will be the top five athletes from the team. Positions will be set by score with the highest score on post one. If there are multiple athletes with the same score, then a countback will be used to determine the specific athlete(s). The athletes with the highest score in the last competition round of 25 will be selected.

The total number of targets broken by the team during the round will be used to determine the winner. If there are tie scores between or among teams, the tied teams continue on to the next round.

Round two – Two or more teams still in the running from round one move back to the 22-yard line with their teammates and continue the same shoot-off process. If two or more teams tie, those teams continue on to round three.

Round three – Two or more teams still in the running move to the 25-yard line and follow the shoot-off procedures used in the preceding two rounds. The next and all required subsequent rounds will be shot from the 25-yard line.

Round four – Two or more teams still in the running move to the 27-yard line and follow the shoot-off procedures used in the preceding two rounds. The next and all required subsequent rounds will be shot from the 27-yard line.

Event Management reserves the right to begin shoot-offs from any yard line based on the number of athletes/teams and time of day. Front (from target one to the first lost target) and back (from the last lost target to the end) runs may be used in cases of inclement weather, insufficient light, or other circumstances that make shoot-offs impractical.

Shoot-Off Procedure for High Overall/All Around Individual and Team at the State Championships

Individuals and squads/teams will shoot-off in all three disciplines. The shoot-off procedures for the events are the same as they were for the individual events.

The order of the events will be sporting clays, skeet, and then trap.

The individual or teams who wins a discipline specific shoot-off (i.e. wins the sporting clays shoot-off) will be rewarded a point. The first individual or teams to reach two points is the winner.

The order of athletes will be determined by a random method. The Tennessee SCTP Manager reserves the right to use any random method to determine the order.

Sporting Clays


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
Doubles Skeet


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
Super Sporting


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
HOA Sporting Clays

Combined scores from Sporting Clays and Super Sporting


    • Intermediate Team, 1-2
    • Senior Team, 1-2


    • Rookie Men, 1-2
    • Intermediate Men, 1-2
    • Senior Men, 1-2
    • Collegiate Men, 1-2


    • Rookie Lady, 1-2
    • Intermediate Lady, 1-2
    • Senior Lady, 1-2
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-2
HOA Skeet

Combined scores from American Skeet and Doubles Skeet


    • Intermediate Team, 1-2
    • Senior Team, 1-2


    • Rookie Men, 1-2
    • Intermediate Men, 1-2
    • Senior Men, 1-2
    • Collegiate Men, 1-2


    • Rookie Lady, 1-2
    • Intermediate Lady, 1-2
    • Senior Lady, 1-2
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-2


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
Doubles Trap


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
Extended Yard-Line Trap


    • Intermediate Team, 1-3
    • Senior Team, 1-3


    • Rookie Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Squad, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Squad, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Squad, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Squad, 1-3


    • Rookie Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Men, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Men, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Men, 1-3
    • Collegiate Men, 1-3


    • Rookie Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Entry Lady, 1-3
    • Intermediate Advanced Lady, 1-3
    • Junior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Senior Varsity Lady, 1-3
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-3
HOA Trap

Combined scores from American Trap, Doubles Trap, and Extended Yard Line Trap


    • Intermediate Team, 1-2
    • Senior Team, 1-2


    • Rookie Men, 1-2
    • Intermediate Men, 1-2
    • Senior Men, 1-2
    • Collegiate Men, 1-2


    • Rookie Lady, 1-2
    • Intermediate Lady, 1-2
    • Senior Lady, 1-2
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-2
HOA: High Overall

Combined scores from Sporting Clays, American Trap and American Skeet


    • Intermediate Team, 1-2
    • Senior Team, 1-2


    • Grand Champion*
      (Athletes cannot win both Grand Champion and their division)


    • Rookie Men, 1-2
    • Intermediate Men, 1-2
    • Senior Men, 1-2
    • Collegiate Men, 1-2


    • Rookie Lady, 1-2
    • Intermediate Lady, 1-2
    • Senior Lady, 1-2
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-2
HAA: High All-Around

Combined scores from Sporting Clays, Super Sporting, American Skeet, Doubles Skeet, American Trap, Doubles Trap, Extended Yard Line Trap


    • Intermediate Team, 1-2
    • Senior Team, 1-2


    • Grand Champion*
      (Athletes cannot win both Grand Champion and their division)


    • Rookie Men, 1-2
    • Intermediate Men, 1-2
    • Senior Men, 1-2
    • Collegiate Men, 1-2


    • Rookie Lady, 1-2
    • Intermediate Lady, 1-2
    • Senior Lady, 1-2
    • Collegiate Lady, 1-2
Camping Reservations

Call Nashville Gun Club for pricing and availability at (615) 913-6575. As of 5/23/24, there is a waitlist for available spots but other options nearby have availability for camping.

Nashville RV Resort and Cabins – 15.6 miles
2572 Music Valley Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 889-4225

Two Rivers Campground – 15.9 miles
2616 Music Valley Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 883-8559

Nashville KOA Resort – 16.2 miles
2626 Music Valley Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 889-0282

Grand Ole RV Resort and Market – 17.5 miles
708 N Main Street, Goodlettsville, TN 37072
(615) 420-6036

Golf Cart Rentals

Golf Cart Rentals are available through Boswell’s Golf Carts.

For availability and to make reservations, call Brett Heard at 615-242-0214 ext. 5 or email boswellsrentals@gmail.com

Daily Rates

  • 2-Passenger Cart: $115 + tax
  • 4-Passenger Cart: $150 + tax
T-Shirt Orders


Pre-order your 2024 Tennessee SCTP State Championship shirt by May 26 at 11:59 p.m. CT for guaranteed delivery before the competition.

*After May 26 the shirts will still be available for purchase but delivery before the competition is not guaranteed.

Food and Retail Vendors

Monday, June 17

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Buns on the Run
Roscoes Smoked BBQ

Tuesday, June 18

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Buns on the Run
Roscoes Smoked BBQ

Wednesday, June 19

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Buns on the Run
Roscoes Smoked BBQ
Hunts Brothers Pizza has donated a pizza party for all athletes and families present at awards on Wednesday evening.

Thursday, June 20

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Buns on the Run
No Fuss Tacos
Tidal Ice

Friday, June 21

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Buns on the Run
No Fuss Tacos
Tidal Ice

Saturday, June 22

White Shepherd Coffee
Denenie Weenies
Roscoes Smoked BBQ
Tidal Ice
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and Hunters for the Hungry will be serving free hotdogs and venison burgers during shoot-offs and awards.


Gamaliel Shooting Supply

Shotguns, Ammunition, and Shooting Sports Supplies
June 17-22

Guns Unlimited

Shotguns and Ammunition
June 17-22

Nashville Gun Club Pro Shop

Shotguns, Ammunition, Pilla Shooting Glasses, Vests, and Apparel
June 17-22

Tetra Hearing

Hearing Protection Products
June 17-22

Coming soon…

Lightning and Weather Delays

Coming soon…

Shooting and Scoring Matrix

Coming soon…

Field Status Reports

Click here for the Field Status Reports.

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A Guide to Scorekeeping

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